Don't sugar-coat it Corruptgirl. Very good discussion of TM's "not practising what he preaches."
Based on logical reasoning of the evidence in front of us and our JW insights, I have reached the following conclusions:
1) Tony Morris was buying for his own use. If it had been for other people's benefit, a trusted Bethelite "helper" would have been sent on a different day to a store much closer to make the purchase.
2) Tony Morris clearly has a very unhealthy reliance/addiction to strong liquor.
3) Tony Morris and his ilk are parasites - unlike the apostle Paul etc. who worked to provide for themselves. They are living off the "body" of the congregation, as do all of the Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servants of Jehovah’s Witnesses who gladly opt out of the scriptural commands to provide for themselves!
Rubbing salt into donors' wounds, he squanders their hard-earned cash on his addiction.
4) Tony Morris is now a liability and embarrassment to his fellow G.B. parasites. Time to "retire."
A.A. won't judge you if you call.